Service Explanation
United Parcel Service Co., herein referred to as UPS, engages in air transportation of containerized and palletized cargo between selected airports in UPS Air Cargo. Below is a general overview of UPS Air Cargo services. A complete list of terms and conditions is available in the Air Waybill section of this website, under Service Terms or click here.
Commodities Handled and Restrictions Upon Service
UPS holds itself out to transport general commodities as usually defined, subject to the following restrictions:
- No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any shipment which due to its size or weight cannot be accommodated on the aircraft.
- The following kinds of cargo are not handled: Gold, silver coins, currency, precious stones, negotiable securities, items of extraordinary value, live animals or human remains.
- No service shall be rendered in the transportation of commodities, which are subject to regulation by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), or the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49.
- COD service is not provided by UPS Air Cargo.

Refusal of Unsafe Shipments
UPS reserves the right to refuse any shipment which by reason of the dangerous or other character of its contents is liable, in the judgement of the carrier, to soil, taint or otherwise damage other merchandise or equipment, or which is improperly packed or wrapped.
Liability for Additional Charges
Shipper shall be liable for any additional expenses incurred by UPS in the transportation or warehousing of a shipment to the shipper, storage fees, etc.
Responsibility for Loss or Damage
UPS Air Cargo does not offer insurance or carriage coverage. The shipper declares the released value of each piece of cargo to be not more than $.50 per pound per piece for domestic and can not exceed 19 SDRs per kilogram for international. For additional coverage above the released value, please contact the insurance provider of your choice directly. (UPS Capital offers cargo insurance. Details are available at upscapital.com). UPS responsibility for loss and damage is subject to terms and conditions of the UPS air waybill.
Interruption of Service
UPS shall not be responsible or liable for loss, injury, damage, delay, or non-delivery of shipment due to government requirements, mechanical difficulties, riots, wars, civil-commotions, strikes, labor disputes, weather conditions, acts of God, public enemies, quarantines, absence of governmental approvals, or any cause beyond its control, or caused by the nature of the shipment or defect or inherent vice therein, or in the act, default or omission of the shipper, or consignee, or UPS's compliance with the shipper's transportation instructions.
Operational Factors

- All containers or pallets are accommodated on a space-available basis. Shippers will be advised at the time of booking as to the availability of space.
- UPS reserves the right to open and inspect containers or palletized cargo.
- No UPS pallets will leave UPS control without prior approval.
- The shipper is subject to demurrage charges for the late return of UPS cargo equipment, (pallets, containers, nets and/or straps) in accordance with the International Air Transport Association guidelines.
- If the shipper returns a UPS container or pallet in a damaged condition, the shipper shall be liable for all costs incurred by UPS to restore that unit to airworthy condition. The shipper is subject to the replacement cost of all nets or straps that are returned damaged.
International Service
Shipper is responsible for compliance with all applicable customs, import and export laws and government regulations of any country to, from, through or over which this shipment may be carried.